Thursday, January 28, 2016


Thursday, January 28th, 10:30pm

Lead, SD

Here's what's happening:

I made my appointment at Vocational Rehabilitation, ostensibly to meet with my Western Resources advocate, and my assigned VR counselor for a joint appointment.

Enter the same type of thing that's been occurring in my life since I can remember:  I get an appointment with the promise -in my expectant mind- of engaging conversation and meaningful dialog, words parleyed back and forth among people wanting to see positive change, and those who are actually concerned about my success and well-being.

The Results?

My Western Resources advocate quits her job for another, and the original VR person ends up not being available. a nice turn of events, I was able to speak with a very capable, polite, and nice graduate student intern, so it wasn't all bad.  She proved to be able-bodied, experienced enough, and professional, with which I have no problems, and only the highest accolades.

However, that still doesn't remit the flabbergasting, ire-enhancing EVENTS IN TIME-SPACE that seem to follow me everywhere I go!

Ergo, I've experienced this same type of -call it an Event Thread, if you please- at least three times before, so I'm not chalking this up to mere coincidence, but rather, meaningful coincidence -that is to say, Coincidence With A -Perceived- Purpose!

Perception is the key word here.  My Own Perception!

I can no longer put off this laying down of events in space-time to just another coincidence that is believed to have no meaning, no connection, and no importance.

 I Am Not Stupid!

I Am Not Dumb!
I Am Not Without Hindsight!
I Am  Not Without Foresight!
I Am Not Just Seeing Random Stuff!

There is a reason for all these things, going exactly -or nearly exactly- the same way, every time I reach out and engage myself in the same way, every time.

The metaphysical elements are there!

I'm just trying to stay out of the usual pathway, and create a new one, one that will permit me to engage That Which I Desire vs What Everybody Else Expects (of me).

I can not succeed if the same event threads continue to be run.  In short,  I Need New Pathways and Roads On Which To Travel!

I'm tired of old, well-trodden places in the annals of my attempts at Higher Education (when nothing works, no matter how hard I work), Jobs (that don't pay more than ten bucks an hour, part-time), Relationships (with people without the experience or training to comprehend my own inherent interests and that can share meaningful conversation and help me network better.)

I'm tired of all of the old.  I'm FIFTY!  I have a half-century of friggin' life experience.  I can take a laptop computer apart in my sleep, set up a GNU/Linux system on any PC for anyone's use.

I can also spell like a daemon (in the historical sense -and spelling- of the word), and am well-inured to the world of books, literature, and multimedia (which goes hand-in-hand with my computer abilities.

I'm beginning to think that the term learning disabilities is nothing more than an excuse for people who don't really care and don't want to see me succeed!

I know one thing:  I Cant Do This On My Own Anymore!

Ergo:  I Need Some Good, Positive, Love-EnVibed (my own word) Energy...For A Change!  (And To Change!

Let people think what they will of this,  pie in the sky, stupid, what-have-you!

Let Me Be Clear:

1.  I Care What People Think!  Caring people, that is, not the other kind.

2.  I Love Myself, My Life, and Others Around Me!  Especially those who take the time to share theirs!

3.  I Like Being Generous With My Time and Money (When both are available in abundance!  I can't do anything without an abundance of both!)

4.  I Want To Evoke Change!  (Or Invoke It!)  Change Energy comes from both Without *and* Within!

5.  I Am A Spiritual Being!  I am not merely a collection of physical tissues, doing their thing, and not interacting with the non-physical world around me!  I've had too many experiences to not believe otherwise, and that, to me, is something that needs to be enhanced, and not forgotten about.

6.  I'm scientific in my approaches, where applicable, intuitive in just about everything else!  Gravity, the five senses (sixth, if you count intuition and psychic abilities - which I do!), general physics, math, and other analytical tools are great!  (If someone want to teach me some STEM-related abilities, I would be most open to receive Your Gift Of Instruction!)

7.  The same goes for spiritual and metaphysical instruction. (Please, no "born again" anybodies!  I had enough of that in my younger years, and escaped "relatively unscathed!"  I have no plans on going back to a lesser -to me-  level of spiritual awareness and experience.  I'll let you, the reader, surmise what I mean by this.  To me, it's clear, apparent, and transparent as glass!

This is my update.  More later...

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