Tuesday, June 19, 2018

UPDATE Early Summer 2018

Bringing Things Ahead

Today is Tuesday, June 19th, 2018.  5:44pm Mountain Daylight Time.

Residence Location:  Lead, South Dakota

Length of Time at Present Location:  Since November 2015.  That makes it...calculating...Two Years, Seven Months.

Work Situation, Primary:  The Lodge at Deadwood, Since October 2016.  That makes it...calculating...One Year, Eight Months.

Work Situation, Secondary:  Spearfish Canyon Lodge, About A Month.

Significant Happenings:  Job Length (Primary), New Job (Secondary), New Vehicle!, Elimination of Unhealthy Relationships.

Thoughts On The Present

The last year-and-a-half has been fairly steady, and began to move upward late in 2017.

I received an Employee of the Month award, and a South Dakota Great Service Award, given to hospitality employees for job excellence in that industry.

I've leveled out, emotionally, although there are flare-ups of old energies I'm still working on depleting.  My Wiccan practice is helping there, and I'm getting more dedicated, and serious, to my Path as I grow older.

The past has been influencing my emotional state, of late, and I'm getting visions of my past, usually my childhood, and the places my family and I spent our summers in Michigan.

This last part is especially palpable, and musical inspiration (in both lyric and song) is an accompanying characteristic.  The piano and guitar (and possibly mandolin) are factoring largely in this area, and may be of importance, should I choose to further my knowledge along this line of inquiry.

The Past seems to be making itself known to me as when I was a child, growing up on the summer shores of Mullet Lake in Northern Lower Michigan.

I feel as if I'm being drawn back there, but I need to experience more visions to be certain of what, or whom, might be the reason for the calling, if any.  It may just be Spirit letting me know I now have enough learned experience to deal with any heavy emotions I may bring up, should I decide to visit the places of my youth.

And I can tell you...I am thinking seriously about doing just that!  My work ethic has permitted me a stroke of luck!  A Newer Vehicle!

I now own (insofar as I am making payments on the vehicle), a 2012 Nissan Frontier King Cab 4x4 Pickup Truck!

Four doors and a nice, small bed, with a plastic liner and a vinyl/aluminum-frame locking tonneau cover.  V6 Engine and an Automatic Transmission round it out.  I would have preferred a manual, but the Universe gave me what was avaiable, and on-hand, so I'm not complaining.

Also, as I grow in financial stature, I can always upgrade, or customize.  I'm open for anything and everything the Universe has for me, now, and I have learned patience and acceptance of present circumstance, which enables me to see farther ahead, as I've learned to pause and reflect, and See.

The 'Seeing' is a skill that is just making itself known to me now, and I believe the latent visions of my past haunts have much to do with it, and are only the beginning of a much larger experience, and the advent of more deeply meaningful occurrences.

Moving to South Dakota has opened my spiritual sensations, and, perhaps, my latent psychic abilities may also be showing themselves forth, although not on any huge order of magnitude.  I tend to keep these things private, although I have no problem sharing them here.

I've met a few interesting people, and I would like to deepen these relationships into meaningful friendships, although I still have problems being comfortable around others.  Kind of weird for a Libra, I know, the stereotype being that Librans 'hate being alone;' I have to say I am an honest exception to this 'rule.'

So What Now?

I have a few plans that center around the successful publication of a few novels, or whatever else the Universe brings into my life that will allow me to meet my deepest desires for success and wealth.

My health is good, so I am grateful for that.  I can do better, however, and my exercise regimen needs to be taken up a notch!

Walking helps, and I get out and walk more than I've been doing since the winter, but I need to do more, as keeping my body moving is the key to continued body-and-mind health and harmony.

The Money Situation:  I am moving faster toward my goals.  That's all I can really say.  I'm better off than I was when I first moved here, I drew the Universal Energy of an affordably-financed (by my reckoning) newer vehicle of the type I desired and that was available.

Considering that is was obtained from a nearby Nissan dealer, and not a smaller 'more used' vehicle seller, says a lot to what that Universe-at-large is doing for me.  Gratitude is given for this, and correct for what I have been given.

I still have to work for it, but I am getting closer to the time when I will be able to be on my own time, and not so much that of others, at least for making money.  I invite the Universe to 'plop this freedom down in my lap' at any time, now.  Patience Is Good Here! :-)

So that's it!

I've come a long way since that November Winter Day in 2015 when I first arrived in Lead.  It was the turning point, wherein I made my decision to dedicate myself to this area in the Northern Black Hills.  I'm glad I made the decision!

A List of Goals

1.  Newer Vehicle (Done!)
1a.  Vehicle Paid For In Full (Work-in-progress.)

2.  Cedar Log Cabin Home.  I'm open to the location.  Universe-at-large to help in deciding this aspect, as it knows my proclivities for forest areas and land types.

3.  Complete Financial Independence!  (I will have to yield to the Universe-at-large for help in this supremely overarching life-event.  As this would 'answer all things,' provided I make good decisions with the wealth-in-question, and don't spend everything off at first receiving.  Being excited at new wealth is normal, going on a buying spree for everything in sight, is not.   I've learned my lesson here, so it won't be a problem!)

4.  The advent of a trip back to Michigan.   The Summer of 2019 would be nice, provided I've received and/or earned my financial independence at that time.  (This can be a small receiving, but I'd certainly like to have more than less.  We'll just have to wait and see...while working, of course!)

5.  A New Lifemate Relatioship.  (This one is self-explanatory, but after marriage number two, I really need to be down with my own issues, and secure in my finances, for me to be comfortable in another marriage, if any.  I'm open to another's help, but it would be nice to be able to say "I stood on my own two feet to get here!" for a change.

6.  Spiritual Evolution.  (A matter personal to me, as excellence in this area tends to bring out excellence in all the desired others.)

In Love and Light,
Harmony and Peace,
-Stephen A. Brown