Monday, December 14, 2015

Update - Monday December 14th, 2015

Just got done taking a bath, shower, and shampoo!  In a word, "Aaaaaaah!" :-)

I tell you, nothing makes the mind and body feel better than a good pampering!

(Yes, Gals, Even We Men Need Self-Pampering At Times!)


So here's what's new:  I left my job at Terry Peak Ski Area, near Lead, South Dakota (my current city of residence.)

I found out, over the course of two weekends, that, at age 50, my body cannot stand up to standing around in cold weather without *some* movement involved; standing around and tending to a chairlift line was not conducive to this task, and my joints were starting to tell me a telltale story:  GET OUT NOW!

I also found the Terry Peak work environment to be a bit back-stabby, and the management unlike my last two jobs at Marco's Pizza in Rapid City, and Pizza Hut in Booneville, Missouri; both of those jobs had excellent and friendly people.  Truly, if it hadn't been for the staff of the Boonville, Missouri Pizza Hut, I wouldn't be able to be here, typing this to you.

Management wasn't as friendly--at least to me--as I've experienced on my last jobs, so I just decided to cut my losses early.

I have other prospects  for employment, however, and am continuing to narrow my focus for a career.

I have one idea, and that's to go back to Missouri and start college in the fall at Missouri State University, to obtain a degree in Geographical Information Science, or GIS, which is, essentially, computer-based cartography, or map-making.

My other collegiate consideration is an online program in Business Management/Entrepreneurship, or business ownership, in other words.

My core needs, as I see them, reflect what I Truly, Madly, Deeply Desire:  The Ability To Do What I Want, Where I Want, When I Want, Joyfully, Happily, Gladly!  And being able to give, as well; helping other people get to where I would be at that point favors highly on my bucket list.

Ergo:  Money.  (Not money *as* the main goal, but the *freedom* that money brings.)
Therefore: Business Ownership.

The GIS Plan is if I just want to settle into a staid, tightly-focused regimen of a job when I graduate; considering that most GIS positions are with the government, this would work well.

The pay would be good, but would I feel complete and fulfilled?  (Probably to an extent, but I would be tied down to a nine-to-five that wouldn't allow me the free time until I had accumulated seniority and vacation days.


So, writing this, I guess it's medium to large business ownership.  (Small, to me, doesn't cut it in business!)

So I guess that's my choice.  I'll start looking around for online programs.

More Later...
