Tuesday, August 15, 2017

-UPDATE- Late Summer 2017

I've been working at The Lodge at Deadwood since early 2017.  I forget the exact date, I really need to ask my HR Director when I was hired!  Something to do tomorrow morning, after my night shift is done.

Okay, back to the present moment.

I guess a lot has happened to me over the course of Summer 2017!  I've kept my job for almost a year, now, and That's A Record!  Disabilities notwithstanding, but still!

I haven't been socially active very much, although I have had some interactions with a few local people, now and again.  I just don't have a lot of desire to be a socialite.  I prefer solitary activities, like riding motorcycles in the back country--when I have a motorcycle, something I'll talk about in a bit--or talking long walks and hikes in the woods, or on forest roads, taking long drives in my car, etc.

I've spent time with my sister in Rapid City a few times this year.  We even went swimming a couple of times.  I'd go again, but the weather's turned cool early--in mid-August no less!  I've had a few good days this year, though, and it's nice to be able to get out once in a while.

I'm not completely where I want to be, but I'm stable, have a good apartment in a good community, and I have a good job at a fine hotel.

I'm taking a new job at the hotel this week, on 8/18/17, a Friday.  Our night housekeeper quit, and, as it was getting to the point of seeing that there wasn't another one being hired, I asked for the responsibility.  I have the job, so far as I can see, and will start on Friday.  I"m going to try a 10-day-on/4-day-off sequence and see how that works.  If I find it's too much, I'll ask for Friday and Monday nights off, something I've discussed with the housekeeping department manager, an affable guy.

I'm not afraid of hard work, but I hope I can keep up with the demand.  The night audit I do three days a week is fairly relaxed.  Housekeeping may put me to a challenge for which I may not be ready, but I'm still going to give it my best shot!  I did solicit for the position, was given it, and need to give it my best effort.  If I find it's too much, I'll let my manager know.  I consider my audit job as my primary position.

I want to be productive to my company, and I want to earn more money so I can start paying off debt, investing, and buying some nicer things I desire to own, like a new motorcycle.  Used is fine, if that's all I can get, but I wouldn't mind buying something uniquely nine, that's never been ridden, and keep it for ten-plus years!

I have my goals for this bike.  I want to be a participatory part of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in 2018, and one can't be unless one arrives on a bike!  There just isn't much room for car parking during Rally week in Sturgis!  And that's the purpose of the Rally in the first place!

I should be able to get a bike I desire if I can save $10,000.00 minimum over the course of the next year.  It's just that, with my present incomes, that's about half my yearly salary!  Hence, the taking of the second job.  It's going to be a lot of work, but I should be able to start to make a dent in my debt, as well as save up some funds for some real estate courses.  I love land, so I'm guessing this might be a good area in which to invest some educational monies and time.

Become an agent for a local broker, and start selling houses.  Since the area is small, learning about commercial properties, as well as the traditional single-family-home, would also be in order.  This is all guesswork as of this writing, however, and it's going to take a whole lot more than words to get me started along the path to wealth--which is where all this is leading!


Personally, I'm not dating anyone right now.  I've got too many interests at the moment, as well as too many financial responsibilities to be involved in a relationship.  Now, at 51, almost 52 years of age, I'm focused entirely on my material goals.  Becoming wealthy in a 'short' time is one of these goals.

No one but me can really see my end-result and desires.  Money plays into it, because it is an integral part of wealth.  There is nothing I can do--or would want to do--about this.  It is the delineating factor between rich and not-so-rich.  Period!

I've tried to be friendly to people, but I don't really have a lot of social experience.  I work better with things and ideas, devices and mechanisms, than I do with people and politics.  I try to stay as far away from the latter--politics, that is, not necessarily people--as much as possible.

Let me outline my material goals:

  • A cedar log cabin home in the black hills, away from the main towns, but near enough to drive.  Cedar, because we have a pine beetle issue out here, and Northern White Cedar is bug, and rot, resistant.  It's also essentially freeze proof!
  • A motorcycle of recent vintage, between $3000 and $30,000 dollars.
  • A newer 4x4, like a Nissan Frontier, or Chevy Colorado.  High ground clearance is a must!
  • A lightweight travel trailer.
  • A summer home on a large, navigable river, or connected lake, in Michigan, with boat.
  • To be completely "in the black!" and debt free within the confines of five years!  I know where my debts lie, and I know what I need to have spent to have paid them off in full.  Student loans are a part of this.  I will keep the other matters confidential.
  • To have enough accumulated money to be able to travel at any time, and not have to have a regular job, anymore.  I don't just desire this for 'retirement,' I desire it for the rest of my life, so I can leave a legacy to someone, be they family, or a good friend's family, or just someone who I find worthy of receiving it.  Whether I"m married again, or not, soon, is irrelevant!  I've had it with two marriages.  The third would have to be with a Very Special Someone, with high moral and ethical values (this is in lieu of any religious elements), and a sense of wonder for the world!
  • As an added bonus when I am farther along the success curve, perhaps a small, turbine helicopter of my own, with the requisite training.  I already have about 40 accumulated hours in light planes, but I didn't finish the training.  I'm more of a rotorhead, anyway.  This is a bonus, not a primary goal, but the freedom this type of conveyance would permit would be excellent! :-)
Well, that's essentially it for now.  My primary goals are not relationship-based, save for those connections that help me further my goals, and move them forward faster.  I'll leave room for love, but I'm not going to hold my breath, or look for it, anymore.  I've had enough of emotional turmoil.

-Stephen A. Brown
-Lead, South Dakota

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